Category: Photos, Videos, & Files.

Can I Restore a File I Deleted Before I Download Dumpster?

Yes, you can! With Deep Scan Recovery, you’ll be able to restore any photo, video, audio, or document file that was deleted before you downloaded Dumpster. Find out more about Deep Scan Recovery here

What Files Types Does Dumpster Store?

Dumpster is able to store almost all forms of file types. The entire list can be found here.  Dumpster stores: Most photo, video, & audio files and documents  Deleted apps and previous versions of apps  Dumpster does not store: Whatsapp, Telegram, or any other messaging app contents Phone or device contacts

Deleting Files from Dumpster

To delete a file, simply tap the file, and press delete. Files that are stored in Dumpster will remain there for as long as you have the app installed. If you’d like, you can also change your device settings to auto-clean after a predesignated amount of time. To do so, tap on the button located...

Can I Customize Which File Types Dumpster Will Save?

Yes, you can easily customize your Dumpster app settings to only store certain file types.  To do so, tap on the “More” tab located at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen. Then, tap “Recycle Bin Settings” at the top of the screen. Here you can easily choose which file types you would like Dumpster...

I Restored a File and I Can’t Figure Out Where it Went

Dumpster restored files revert back to the same place they were originally stored in. If you are restoring an image, you may need to restart your phone so the photo gallery can refresh.

What’s the Fastest Way to Find an Old File?

The easiest way to search for an old file in Dumpster is to filter by file type: photo, video, document, etc.  You can do so by tapping on the “Sort” icon located in the upper right hand corner of Dumpster’s main screen and then selecting “Type.” You can then scroll through the results of the...
